Here is the map of the foot. The masseuses are applying reflexology to stimulate blood circulation, and improve all around well-being. This massage provides stress-relieving and detoxifying effects using a push-foot field of massage technology.
One type of the Far Eastern massages is called dry massage due to the application of a dress. it is special because it is not only done by hand, but the masseuse makes the massage by her whole body (or elbow, arm, knee, foot). The masseuse performs the techniques while acupressure points are stimulated by pressure. This massage stimulates blood circulation, relaxes the muscles and provides a detoxifying effect for all around well-being.
The essence and purpose of the well-known and most popular back massage is relaxing the muscles at the back, neck and waist, and massaging the knots. These muscles are becoming cramped during the stressing daily sitting work. These will be massaged out by our masseuses. If necessary, they will also spread your back with thai balm.
We do the massage with 100% pure coconut oil. The coconut oil tenderize the skin, slows down the ageing of cells, furthermore, it eliminates acne. The natural oil is rich in antioxidants, the saturated fats hydrate the dry skin. Coconut oil, when applied on the skin reduces wrinkles and tightens the skin. It also helps to the expulsion of stress.
Open: Mon-Sun 10:00-22:00
Budapest, Lövőház str. 2-6. MAMMUT I. Shopping Mall